Scope of Work
TESB shall responsible to provide all supervision, procedures, labor, equipment, tools, spare parts, consumables, workshop facilities, onshore transport, preservation services and all other things of the like nature necessary for the WORKS which shall include but not limited to the following :
- Routine maintenance services, inspection, tuning of control systems, repair, troubleshooting, overhaul,commissioning and standard performance testing / health check of all MOC’s Salof Chiller Package.
- Provision of all required specialist / service personnel, tools, equipment and consumables to carry out work as per above.
- Supply of the critical, operational and routine maintenance spare parts including preservation services and onshore transportation.
- Engineering / Technical consultancy support services and training.
TESB shall perform the WORKS on live plant in accordance with the API 510, ASME VIII and the approved code or standards by the MOC.

Call Out Services; Provide Services & Inspection(Overhaul) Team :
Service Manager, Service Engineer, Mechanical Specialist
and E&I Specialist
Provide tools & equipment for Compressor changeout & Refrigerant
Workshop repair activities
- Overhauling & Repair at HTFE Singapore.
- Compressor specialist
- Rebuilding & hard chrome of 4 pt rotors’ shaft journals
(male & female rotor) - Dynamic Balancing to ISO 1940 1.0G Standard
- Rebuilding of 1 pt piston rod