Scope of Work
- Provision of HP Compressor Maintenance Services for Repsol Malaysia Limited (RML) (previously known as
Talisman Malaysia Limited) – offshore facility named KNDP-A. - KNDP-A is a four (4) – legged integrated drilling & production platform that combines a twenty (20) – slot drilling
platform with topsides oil & gas processing facilities & utilities. - HP Compressor-White Superior® Gas Compressor (very critical / main equipment) provides gas lift supply & gas
injection into the well to the top to eliminate / minimize flaring & maintain reservoir pressure which contribute to
RML’s oil production.

Provision of 24hrs / 7 days week :
Service Manager, Service Engineer, Mechanical Specialist
and E & I Specialist
Provide tools & equipment for Compressor changeout & Refrigerant
Workshop repair activities
- Service Engineer at site
- Provide all the necessary equipment & tools to carry out the task
- Provide competent Mechanical and E & I service personnel to carry out the work
- Field Services Representative (FSR) – Ironline Compression Ltd
- Local specialists.
- Produce official service report include check list generated, finding & recommendations
- Identify critical & long lead spares and proposed minimum qty for stock / inventory / warehouse
- Provide hand-on training for RML’s personnel.